Three in a row. The birds in a collection with the long shadows of very early morning post sunrise caught my eye. This 30 Day challenge has become a personal discipline for me in January- a gret way to beat the winter blues and spend time in a meaningful and measurable way.
For several years, I studied with a master watercolorist-Andrew Kusmin. When I would get frustrated with lack of progress, he would counsel to paint many of one item, trees, carousel horses, florals, etc. "Paint until you know them inside and out." This week I am finally taking his advice and painting seabirds-several. This guy was hopeful that I might have some snacks in my pocket.
I am playing with seabirds a bit. I managed to take some photos two weeks ago and want to see if I can capture their shapes and life. This one glowed in flight above my head.
I call this one 'Courage' because I decided to paint 'plein air' by myself at the Bonnet House in Florida. I've gone with groups in the past - strength in numbers. Painting outside is a challenge and a joy. I love the total focus required. It is much more difficult to isolate your subject matter. The light changes, there are bugs and heat and people looking over your shoulder. This captures my morning. I had a blast!
I've had the nice chance to spend a few days in Ft. Lauderdale pre-Christmas. It has been such a busy month that I haven't found time or peace to paint. Having a day or two to stop and think and walk and paint- now that's advent- waiting for light. So this is my offering to waiting for light and change and whatever is next.
I painted this one some time ago after our family visited Martha's Vineyard and biked out to Gay Head beach. It was a very bright day, late afternoon, and the colors were wonderful.
I've spent the Thanksgiving break down with the flu- no turkey, no pies, no painting. I finally have a bit of energy today and so I thought I would return to some photos I took of the boats in Barnstable harbor a couple of weeks ago. It is nice to think of sunny days as ours get shorter and shorter.
This one was from a scene I took a photo of during the summer months some tine ago near Sandwich, MA. Lots of light and warmth and life. A great place to stroll.
This marsh is actually a continuation of the previous. It is a favorite place near Barnstable harbor. As the seasons change, the light and colors change from bright greens of spring and summer to golden and ten a bit flatter in tone as the skies gray and the snows come.
A nearby gallery put out a call for paintings with the theme of 'winter'. Their description was for ideas not only reflecting snowy scenes but perhaps darkness, struggle, etc. You get the idea. Well, I am not submitting but it did get me thinking. When we think of winter, perhaps we might just imagine 'snowbirds'. My sister is a snowbird, leaving the north country before November begins and returning when the snow melts. She has so much fun all winter with her southern friends. This would be a typical winter scene in Ft. Lauderdale and the other east Florida coastline towns. Winter- now there's a nice thought!
I found myself at home alone on a stormy Saturday night- perfect for painting. I've been thinking all week about working on some larger pieces again. The daunting thing about bigger work ifor me is subject matter- what is worth the extra space? This size-16x20- isn't even particularly large. But last night I thought ' why not'. And I like the result. It was quite freeing. I took a walk last weekend in the Minuteman Park in Concord, MA. Lots of nice trails and the leaves at peak. I think I have captured the joy of the day-sunlight and crisp temperatures and a lovely slow pace.
Tonight the clocks "fall back". In New England, that means a very early nightfall beginning tomorrow. I usually don't look forward to the start of the dark season and so am trying to anticipate how I can make the most of the quietness of the season. I'm thinking of doing a series of night paintings. Could be fun and it would be something new for me. Bring it on!
Yesterday, I joined a 'meetup' group for plein air painting in Rockport, MA. It was a great group, but the weather was very challenging with temperatures in the mid-50's and amazing wind gusts- even some sprinkles now and then. The group was a hardy band of artists, all of us decked out in warm winters coats and hats. Quite a visual. One thing I learned was that I really must replace my easel with something lighter but also far more stable. Twice mine toppled in the wind, spilling tubes and brushes and canvas. It would have been smarter to set up with the wind at my back- but I'd miss the boats anchored in the harbor. The best lessons of the weather related to needing to think quickly, sketch quickly and put colors down before the light shifted or the wind blew again. The painting is not my best, by far, but I like it. It captured the day - the clouds were a beautiful deep blue gray and the orange in the trees really popped. It was fun, and fun should be what painting brings us. It's a great journey!
It has been a very busy week already. We spent a nice weekend on the Cape and returned to our daughter's senior week field hockey game - and a goal! I finally made it back to the studio this evening and decided to paint this summery scene from a bike trip last year. A bit out of practice this week, but still painting!
I have had a photo of this little grocery in Gloucester, MA in my studio for quite some time and have always liked it but never painted it. Today is the day! I had sketched it out the other night and just decided to play with it early this morning. This may become a larger piece at some point. I'm getting ready to 'go bigger' now that I am back in the swing of working regularly.
I don't do abstracts often. I think they are far more difficult than realism, requiring emotion and thought and balance. This one was painted for friends I've lost to cancer. Tonight I think of Stephen Gerber who died one year ago this week. An extremely talented composer and conductor and musician and friend- sorely missed. I painted this one in a year when three friends died within month and I think of them every time I see it. So tonight- here's to Stephen and Tony and Andrew and Janet....
It is SO beautiful this week in New England. All of the leaves are at peak color now near Boston. Every drive is a delight. The temperatures have been mild-in the 70's. I really love this time of year!
I decided to post one that I did some time ago just because I really love it. I caught a photo of the lighthouse at Race Point near Truro on Cape Cod last summer and wanted to capture the sense of warm sunlight that day. I've slowed down a bit since the September 30 Day challenge but am still painting regularly and have 2 on my easel now that I am working on. The daily pace doesn't allow time for larger pieces or complex subjects. More to come.
Harbors are one theme I return to. The shapes and forms and reflections are fun to work with. I seem to be jumping around a bit lately from one subject to another - whatever catches my enthusiasm on a given day or evening.
Barns are so majestic. They are huge and full of interesting objects. They represent a family's hard work, usually through generations. I am always drawn back to them. I managed to spend a little time tonight painting after a glorious fall day-warm and sunny and full of good news.
This sturdy wooden rowboat is a nice sight among the newer fiberglass dinghys that are common. I like the way the sun caught the wood tones and the calmness of the water on this particular morning.
This is day 30 of my September 30 day challenge. It has been a great challenge and a great experience. I've learned a lot about myself, my style, commitment and creating routines. When you work full time, painting can easily take a back seat, yet when I paint I am far better in all areas of life. Lately, I've been drawn to the color orange. We see oranges and yellows everywhere in New England in late September and early October. It is a happy color and always cheers me up. October begins tomorrow and I have a new set of brushes, a stack of new boards and replenishment in paints. Full speed ahead!
Fall in New England means apple picking season. When our kids were young, planning the drive to the orchards to pick bags of crisp apples while eating cinnamon doughnuts was a must. While I "picked" these from our local farm stand this year, I remembered all of those great memories from their younger years.
Very few boats are left in the harbor. Soon there will be non moored. I Liked this little sailboat resting covered in the sunlight. Another beautiful fall day is beginning here near Boston.
It is a glorious New England fall day. Nearly 80 degrees of warm sun and breezes. We got to go to a field hockey game this morning and then home to new supplies. This 30 in 30 day challenge is nearly complete and I am looking forward to the next. Pumpkins seem to be prevalent as subjects- and why not! They are wonderfully shaped, bright and cheery in color and just generally fun. More to come.
There are a few blooms left on the deck during this first week of autumn. I love geraniums. They always make me smile. I think I'll keep this one close in January.
Day 23 do my 30 day challenge and I do believe I am hitting my stride. Setting aside odd bits of time to paint is becoming the norm. I am finding more and more subjects interesting. Approaching the start is no longer difficult. All in all 'a walk in the park'!
I am learning a great deal from this 30 day painting challenge that I have taken on. This is Day 19 and I have only missed one day! I painted this one early this morning. I find that I now think about what I am seeing. Differently. I am constantly catching things that I want to try to paint. I had my melon on a bright blue placemat this morning and just couldn't resist. I am also more likely to try things. Each painting isn't quite so precious when you know you can try again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. Sometimes you will win-and sometimes you will learn. This morning I count as a win. I am happy coming to work. I have already put some play into my day. Amazing!
As part of the 30 day challenge I am attempting, I decided last week to stick with what was fun for me right now. I am enjoying looking at and working on these little landscapes from photos I took last fall near Concord, MA. I think the reds in the foliage caught my eye initially, and I still like capturing the interplay of the contrasts.
The temperatures in New England have dropped 25 degrees in the past week and it feels like fall. Cool, breezy, sunny days remind me of trips with the kids to pick apples and pumpkins.
missed a day of the 30 day challenge yesterday- but back on track today. I moved my studio this morning - quite the task but I'll have a bit more room to play moving forward. We had some lemons and limes on the counter last night. The limes were sacrificed to a good cause... But not before a photo!
Even though the temperature has dropped significantly this week in Boston, it is still easy to remember that just a couple of weeks ago we were still sitting in a beach chair reading in New England. Just some fun with paint tonite.
Sometimes if you get to the beach early on a cloudy morning you have the place to yourself. A few walkers near the water and a nice breeze and you. Perfect!
Painting every day is difficult. I had a full day of stressful activity at work today, left late, home for dinner with my girls. No energy. I didn't see how I could go upstairs and paint. But I did. late tonight I just had to paint. Here is another little bit of autumn- coming very soon here.
I am thinking a lot about family these days- the places where we come from and where we end up. We make a lot of choices in life. Early in our marriage, we decided to try Boston, leaving northwest Ohio and Pennsylvania for a different part of the country- different in lots of ways. It has been a wonderful place to live- full of great sights and experiences. But you never really leave home. I snapped some photos while at home in August. This is the type of barn I might see in my hometown of Oregon, Ohio. Lots of green flat fields and friendly people. Great food and great fun. I always breathe deeply when I return to carry it with me as I head 'home'.
Another little landscape anticipating autum ahead in New England. I'll need to turn from swimming and sunning to hiking and biking. That's the great thing about the change in seasons - you need to be a bit flexible, adjust your attitude and activities - and buy some great sweaters!
I worried a bit that I hadn't really settled on a theme prior to this challenge. Now, I think one may be emergIng. I tend to paint the places I love- those where I live or spend time with family and friends. I live in the Boston area- rich with history and scenery, architecture, seaside spaces, rolling farmland, city life. Very diverse. When we travel, it is to be with family in Ohio or to Florida or Pennsylvania. Lots of ground to cover. This is a spot near Concord, MA that I captured in a photo last fall. I'll work on a few of these over the next month. Fall is on the way in all of its colorful splendor soon. Something to look forward to. Plein air fun ahead!
Day 4- Last summer we travelled with family to North Carolina. I had never been to the Outer Banks-interesting place. I took a photo of this red brick lighthouse and thought I'd play with it a bit last night. I think next time I will crop it closer and change the composition. One reason I like daily painting exercises - you paint fast and learn along the way.
The harbor area in Harwich, MA has lots of great sights and subjects. This is a little house/cafe at the corner of a harbor full of great boats. Lots of room to set up and paint. Hope to return there soon.
I have taken a large leap to commit to painting 30 small pieces this month. Yikes! Well, here goes! These are some small sail boats on Lake Wequaquet on Cape Cod. In the fall, on Labor Day, they pull them in to store for the fall. They are a great reminder of warmer days.